Earth+5 / Terre+5

UNplugged in New York:
The Dangers of Computer Dependancy -- An Editorial

By Bindu Dhaliwal

Global technology is the latest craze. The Internet, videoconferencing, e-mail and web chats have taken over for some of the more conventional methods of communication, like speaking and sending letters in the mail. With all this emphasis on the new wave of information technology many do not consider the difficulties of using it in all parts of the world. While the advancement of information-based technology has many advantages, there are two distinct problems: dependency and access limitations.

Being dependent on any form of technology, like using computers, can be dangerous. Problems crop up regardless of where you are in the world. Take our (the TG crew in New York) situation for example. What do you do when you are an on-line publication, covering an international event and you have no power!?!

Within two days of our arrival the electrical outlets in our office hotel room blew out, leaving us nowhere to plug-in our computers. Later that same day, a construction worker getting a little carried away cut a few extra wires, disconnecting all the phone lines in the hotel! Needless to say we were not able to continue with any of the technological stuff, for a few days.

Looking at it from a personal level ,technology has become a part of our daily lives. Computer banking, shopping through the Internet and electronic organizers have all become things that we can no longer live without. But, try to imagine what would happen if everything on your computer suddenly disappeared? Would you panic?

Given all the problems we encountered in New York, a highly developed and industrialized metropolis, imagine the difficulties in setting up an Internet-based program in the developing world. In Canada, access to phone lines and computers is easier then in most countries. But this isn't the case everywhere and while the Internet is world-wide, it is often available to only a privileged few.

Inventors and technological wizards are inventing technology right now to make our lives easier, efficient and exciting. There are many benefits to be gained from using the most advanced technology. But, there should also be caution in just using one source because you never know when someone can pull the plug.

© 1997 - TG Magazine / The Students Commission
© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des étudiants
