Earth+5 / Terre+5


While the Earth Summit + 5 is going on, world leaders are discussing action plans that will create sustainable development around the globe. But what can we do in our own lives to reduce our ecological impact in our own human environments? This column will present one idea each day. Our purpose is to provide ways that we in our lives can reduce our own "ecological footprint"...

Eating the environment away

A very important part of the eco-footprint that we all make on the environment happens every time we eat a meal. Behind the food that we consume is an enormous human and natural resource path that must be used to bring a meal to your plate. Many people on the planet do not have the food they need to function as healthy human beings. Each year, many men, women and children all over the world die of malnutrition and starvation.


Today's eco footprint offers you a way to reduce the inequality in food access by changing your own lifestyle. Now, consider the two alternatives: a vegetarian (non meat) or semi vegetarian diet (a diet in which meat makes up a less significant protein source than other sources, such as combinations of grains). If you want to reduce your ecological footprint, you may find that a switch to these less resource intense diet options is a great way to do it.

Here is why. Consider the year or two a cow lives if it is raised as part of a meat production ranch. Not only should we factor in the time and resources by the farmer, but imagine all the gain that is needed to feed the cow. Also add in the land to grow those grains. Now compare the option of producing an alternate high protein crop for human consumption. Many alternate grains, nuts, and beans provide protein, and give a resource efficiency rating of ten to one. This means that for every equal food portion of the crop, the meat alternative takes ten times as many resources, including land use, labour, and transportation. So for one steak you are utilizing ten times the resources you would need to get the equal portion of non meat food stuff on your plate.

Because when you are young your body needs a lot of nutrients such as protein and iron that you cannot get without the careful mixture of different grains, it is important to do this transition with caution. Consult a parent or nutritionist if you become a complete vegetarian. However, a low meat diet is very healthy if you eat meat twice a weak and avoid it other times. However, any change in your diet should be done with the advice of a parent or a nutritionist. Remember, it is more valuable to the world that you are healthy, and can talk about these issues. There are many important reasons why people often choose a reduced meat diet. Although this is only one of the reasons, for this reason alone, it is a direct way to step lighter along your journey on our planet.


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© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des étudiants
