Earth+5 / Terre+5

Word on the Street...Responses

By Megan Martin & Ron Duerkson
Photos by Ron Duerkson

What do the people on the streets of New York think about the UN and the environment stuff?

We put it to them this afternoon, and walked around Manhattan asking ordinary, and not so ordinary, NYC people, what they think about the Earth Summit II, and how they feel about the environment...

Here are the people we met on the street. Click on their pictures to see their answers. Some of them may surprise you....

Leon, New York bike courier

Annelies, tourist from Holland

Phillip, NYPD Police officer

Sammy, doorman on 46th St.

Tim, passerby

Austin, passerby

Tierek, street vendor

Lisa, passerby

© 1997 - TG Magazine / The Students Commission
© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des étudiants
