APEC '97 and Canada's Year of Asia PacificYouth Report
In order to build on the 1997 youth activities, we recommend the development of an infrastructure dedicated to addressing youth priorities and concerns, in order to increase youth involvement within APEC.Asia Pacific YouthCoordination Team's
recommendation to APEC Leaders.Throughout 1997, Canada has emphasized the full participation of youth in APEC activities, building on the commitment by APEC Leaders at their November 1996 meeting in Subic, Philippines, to engage young people in APEC's work. In recognition of Canada's role as APEC chair, Prime Minister ChrÈtien declared 1997 as Canada's Year of Asia Pacific (CYAP), with youth as one of the target participants in the events.
At the beginning of 1997, our Asia Pacific Youth Coordination Team, staffed by young Canadians, was established to coordinate the youth initiatives for the year. We were given the opportunity to coordinate youth activities that would increase awareness about the tremendous opportunities which exist in the Asia Pacific region. Members of this team were hired by TG Magazine and The Students Commission under the Human Resources Development Canada, Youth International Internship program. The creation of this national team has offered us, as youth, an opportunity to work on various projects, gaining knowledge related to the issues through the use of emerging technologies. The philosophy of having programs developed "for youth by youth" has empowered young people here in Canada and abroad to seek out similar opportunities in their respective regions, ensuring that the knowledge and experience is shared with others everywhere.
Youth present their recommendations.
Individually, each youth activity has been very successful. Together, common themes and highlights, such as new networks and increased acceptance of youth involvement, have emerged, connecting each of the events.
"...You know what I want to be a leader in the world. If I was a leader, I would want a world without borders"
Davy Geoffrey Hanafy, Malaysian delegate,
Asia Connects National Youth Conference:
Winnipeg, Manitoba, October, 1997
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© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des Ètudiants