APEC '97 and Canada's Year of Asia PacificYouth Report

The Events

Highlight: All five of the Ministerial meetings and the two Working Group meetings hosted by Canada included successful youth components.

Young people from across Canada and Asia Pacific participated in activities surrounding all five of the APEC Ministerial meetings hosted by Canada this year, as well as the Human Resources Development Working Group and the Tourism Working Group meetings. Youth were delegates at some of the APEC Ministerial meetings. Many young people have learned about the APEC process through webchats on the internet, forums during the Ministerial meetings, and the writing of recommendations to present to the Ministers.

Youth discuss issues across distances via videoconferencing.




We also organized, in partnership with the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, a national youth conference called "Asia Connects". This conference encouraged participants across Canada and Asia Pacific to learn more about the region through panel discussions, workshops, the internet and videoconferencing. Young people from Malaysia, Philippines, Chinese Taipei and Thailand, as well as International students from Asia Pacific economies studying in Canada, attended this conference.


Cross-cultural workshops at Asia Connects. The full program and report are available in print by request, or go to http://www.tgmag.ca/ap/report_e.html



Youth teams working together to create recommendations.



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