June 7th - June 10th, 1997

APEC Environment Youth Forum
Toronto, Ontario




Sharing and Applying Knowledge on Sustainability



Support international networking and active promotion and presentation of new ideas about sustainability through structured organizations, workshops, and conferences.

Develop a program and utilize community groups and resources to link to ongoing action at the individual level within the existing education system.

Initiate environmental awareness activities among the youth that mutually support the principles of sustainable development. Such activities can be ecotopia camps, workshops and conferences.

Establish a network for educating environmentally active individuals and groups, directly involving the community in sustainable actions, creating a large database, and funding think tanks and other projects.


Plan of Action:

With assistance from government, youth can create a global and self-sustaining network for promoting sustainability. Youth will formulate the plan.

Government to create a thinktank to develop an action plan to reform the existing education system, with teachers, business and community representation. The actions will be delivered by a combination of the aforementioned groups.

Government should facilitate, support and actively promote the development of "a calendar of community based events" involving community groups, businesses, individuals. Develop this calendar - the wider community will deliver it.


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