Topic 1: How are young people participating in sustainable development in the Asia Pacific region?

And the results...
Group 1] [Group 2] [Group 3] [Group 4]

Group 1

To increase the number of young people participating in sustainable development in the Asia Pacific region, APEC should create a scientific (natural and social) youth alliance within each economy to tackle scientific rationale, regional , socio-economic and environmental problems.

Group 2
Youth participating through environmental awareness campaign such as; formal and non-formal education.

The youth are taking an active part in the environmental impact assessments and reporting of projects, to ensure the future of the environment.

The youth are participating by creating organizations and a well coordinated network between them.

Group 3

To increase peoples awareness, education and self-responsiblity in respect to sustainable development (identification of problem and responsibility) : mandatory course integrated in school system, promoting youth organization and recognition for acheivement, the use of mass media and role models.

Group 4
Environmental education for youth needs to develop a holistic approach, incorporating concepts, ethics, experiential learning, and tools for action.

Government should provide mechanisms to give youth and environmental organizations recognition and creditability.

Government should provide youth with opportunities to take action by linking youth to existing programs and by supporting new programs.

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