Topic 3: How do we encourage individuals to work towards sustainable practice in their everyday lives?

And the results...
Group 1] [Group 2] [Group 3] [Group 4]

Group 1

To encourage individuals, APEC economies should increase and improve environmental education both formally and informally through media, camp, schools, and presentations by people in relevant fields, industry and government.

To encourage sustainable practice in our everyday lives, a predetermined proportion of ecological or economic taxes should be put towards projects which conserve, protect and enhance the environment with an emphasis on education and youth.

Establishment of local community panels to review and decide on proposals for environment education (formally in schools and media).


Group 2
Being a role model.

Creating individual awareness towards environmental issues,by sharing experiences, and knowledge through media, internet, brochures and workshops.

Integrating environmental activities in our daily lives; turning off lights, creating community programs in envrionmental issues, like vehicle emission clinics, and environmental awareness concerts.

Group 3

Providing youth with a voice so that they can make a difference.

Using youth in the media.

Youth representation on decision making bodies.

Increasing information and tools available for youth to use.

Group 4
Facilitate partnerships and linkages between individuals and community based groups by exchanging ideas, joint projecting and sharing resources.

Provide incentives for individuals to act sustainably which foster a sense of community; encourage and affirm positive actions and develop a sense of environmental conciousness.

Have accessible information and accessible people-friendly projects that allow people to choose their level of commitment.

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