Topic 3: How can we encourage government and business sectors of our communities to work towards sustainable development?

And the results...
Group 1] [Group 2] [Group 3] [Group 4]

Group 1

To formulate a common set of rules for multinational companies in order to;

1. provide a greater access of information of the companies operations to the local (youth) communities in which they operate.

2. alleviate the economic disparity resulting from multinational/local companies operations.

3. provide a guidance for a true cost accounting.


Group 2
Promoting a popular sustainaible lifestyle among youth.

Co-ordinating the youth so that they could have a strong voice that will be taken into account in policy making process and enabling youth participatation and involvment in policy making in coordinance with the government and private sector.

Group 3

1) Encourage individuals to voice their concerns by establishing communication ties between individuals, government, and businesses.

- voice our concerns through the media by using T.V, radio, newspapers. Letters to editors, government, companies

- use media to expose/embarrass companies that are not environmentally friendly

- having representation on company boards.

2) Give individuals, companies, and businesses incentives/awards if they are environmentally conscious.

- Ex: Green Money- monetary reward for sustainable practices. can come to/from businesses, government, and individuals.

3) Taxes on non-environmental friendly items, with all money given to environmental causes.

4) The youth should be encouraged and be given opportunities to provide alternative projects and products that promote environmental sustainability and in the long term it would be more cost effective in relation to environmental concerns.

Group 4
Government should be responsible for identifying sectors (stakeholders) and developing tools for encouraging sustainable development within those sectors.

We must remember to establish an ethic of acceptance of responsibility at every level.

By facilitating networking between the stakeholders and generating action towards sustainable practices to achieve strategic goals of sustainable development.

By promoting mutual benefits through interactive education and experiential learning, the development and empowerment of Grassroots organizations will achieve local action within a global framework.

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