Topic 4: How do we share and apply the knowledge that we have on sustainable development?

And the results...
Group 1] [Group 2] [Group 3] [Group 4]

Group 1

Youth experiential teaching; Encourage recognition of youth actions on sustainability; Recognition of youth efforts towards sustainability. eg. Awards, scholarships, media.

Healthy competition to generate ideas.

Group 2
Establish a youth environmental organization and build a network among them.

Actively propagate the info that we have through mass media that is environmentally friendly; such as paperless internet journals.

Initiate environmental awareness activities among the youth that mutually suppport the priniciples of sustainable develpoment such as; ecotopia camps, workshops, conferences, etc.

Group 3

APEC should support international networking and active promotion/ presentation of new ideas about sustainability through structured organizations, workshops, conferences.

APEC should develop a comprehensive and intensive plan of action in order to have an effective environmental strategy.

APEC should implement or execute a plan of action through experiential teaching and learning.

Group 4
Government should establish a network amongst environmentally active individuals and groups targeted towards educating and directly involving the community in sustainable actions by funding think tanks, creating a large database, and funding projects.

Government should develop a program within the existing education system that links environmental education to ongoing action at the individual level. Government should seek to utilize community groups and resources to achieve this.

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