Labrador's Asia Connects Page
Welcome to the Labrador City and Wabush Asia Connects page.

Asia Connects is a 'distance learning event' connecting young people across Canada. The goal of Asia Connects is to spark or further spark the interest of students with Asia. Students will learn about the Asia region and how their local community is linked to it. Also, students will have the chance to practice their skills in media and multimedia technology. To learn more about Asia Connects, there is a link below to my Asia Connects page.


About Labrador............ Labrador

About Asia Connects............. Asia Connects

Labrador's Asia Connects Agenda.............Agenda

Labrador's Guest Speakers...............Speakers


Here are some links to:
Le Magazine TG/The TG Magazine site.............
TG Mag
The Asia Connects site.............
Asia Connects

If you would like to find out more about this site you can Email Chintan Acharya at or Edward Condon at