APEC Transportation Youth Forum
June 20-24, 1997, Victoria, British Columbia (Canada)

The role of communication in transportation planning

A second theme that emerged from the APEC Transportation Youth Forum, was the important role that communication plays - or should play - in transportation planning. Communication, as defined by the youth, includes education, the sharing of information, and increased involvement in decision-making. The importance of communication both between and within APEC member economies was emphasized.

The youth criticized transportation planning for not taking into account the interests of everyone affected by transportation development. They argued for a need to incorporate a wider variety of voices into transportation planning, including business, community, and government. However, it is important that these "voices" are properly informed; to address this, the youth delegates recommended that APEC take leadership in promoting public awareness of all impacts of transportation - economic, social, and environmental. This could be done through the media, educational institutions such as high schools and universities, and forums for public discussion.

As well, the youth discussed how better choices in transportation could be made by increasing communication between APEC economies. Communication between economies was recognized as essential to ensuring that social and environmental issues are included by member economies in transportation planning.

Communication between APEC members also emerged as key in increasing efficiency. Thus youth recommended that both successes and failures in transportation planning be shared. Youth addressed how differences in transportation policies between APEC members affect efficiency. For example, one economy's policy may be to use technology in trucks to move goods on the roads within that economy. However, the trucks from that economy may be delayed at the border crossing and delayed on route to its final destination on a highway if a neighbouring economy's policy has been to promote more use of rail to move bulk goods. To address problems caused by lack of policy coordination, increased communication and coordination between APEC economies was recommended.


Transport | Description | Agenda | Issues | Youth Report | Quotes


© 1997 - TG Magazine / The Students Commission
© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des Ètudiants