IIA - Daily Diary

Diary - Report a Conversation

Use the form below to report on a conversation you have had

Please describe as best you can any conversation you have had with someone where you felt you influenced them in some way. Feel free to describe it in your own words.
Here are some questions about things you might want to put in your report:

  • Who did you speak with? (eg. friend, classmate, cousin, etc.)
  • What topics did you discuss?
  • How long did you talk?
  • Did you try any of the things you learned in your training? Did it work?
  • How did you feel about the conversation? Why?
  • Anything else you would add?

Your Name:

Your School:

When did you have your conversation?

Click here to submit your diary to us. Thanks :-)

Note: These diaries can be used by any student who has participated in an Influence in Action, Peer Influencers Training Session. All information entered in the Diaries will be kept confidential. No one from your school or community will see your reports, only the researchers from the Students Commission. When we publish a final report on the program, your name will not be linked to any specific comments or information that you have given us here.

The Students Commission