Follow The Leader:
Elmer Gish Elementary School!!

by TG co-op student, Dawn Lee

Students in kindergarten to grade nine at Elmer Gish Elementary School in Alberta are to be praised for their work in beautifying their neighbourhood by planting 300 trees in the area. The whole school decided to get together to build an outdoor garden. Do they ever get tired? Apparently not, since the 615 students still have time to advise other schools on how to clean up their green spaces!

Getting involved in this project was definitely not easy. They had no funding so they had to save the money to buy the supplies themselves. It is this great determination and dedication that earned Elmer Gish first place in the "Great Canadian School Search " for the top environmental schools around the country.

A video of the children in action won the Emerald Award, and earned them a little fame when they were interviewed by a local newspaper about their achievements.

This past year has been an active one for Elmer Gish Elementary School, but it'll be one that its students will never forget! Hopefully, other students from around the country won't either, and will follow their example.