Watch out everyday for new stories about Canadian students just like you who are already taking on the challenge and responding to Rescue Mission issues.

Be careful. Their enthusiasm, and dedication to the environment and their world may be contagious!

Kids Tell the Governments how its Done!
Spruce Glen Elementary School -Huntsville, Ontario

Death to the Concrete Playground: Eco-Kids Fight Back!
Boardacres Elementary School - Etobicoke, Ontario

The Young and the Ingenious!
Ethel Milliken School - Regina Saskatechewan

Sun Parlor Junior High School: Mission Possible
Sun Parlor Junior High School - Essex, Ontario

Follow the Leader: Elmer Gish Elementary!
Elmer Gish Elemenartary School - Alberta

The Kids at Beaverbrook are Having a Whale of a Time!
Breaverbrook Elementary School - Moncton,
New Brunswick

Discussions from the participated in the June 5th, 1996 webchat