Here's Spruce Glen's chapter on Consumption:


"The major cause of the continued deterioration of the
global environment is the unsustainable pattern of consumption and production, particularly in the industrialized countries."
Agenda 21, chapter 4

Americans are consumed by consumption.
Moreover, the competitive spirit is the fuel that drives us
to consume, to command all that we possibly can.
Ronnie Pirovino 19, U.S.A.


What we need is to find a new kind of lifestyle based on inner instead of outer values; to find a reason for living other than collecting as many material things as possible.

This can also be a chance for us to discover something new about ourselves. When we look back, we might notice that the best moments in our lives were not bought ones.

We should act more as human beings
and not like human havings. Human havings are dependent
on the power status that people would recognize in you
if you have more cars, a bigger home or whatever.
But, if you can accept that you're a human being,
then you just are.

Fred Matser, Harmony Health Centre, Netherlands

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So listen up!