This is a list of all the research we have received.


Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse: Alcohol

Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse: Inhalants

Health & Disability

Health Issues in the Americas
Human Rights

Racism & Discrimination

Racism & Discrimination
World Issues

Health & Disability

Hepatitis C - The "Silent Epidemic"

Access to Education

Access to Education in the Americas

War & Conflict

War and Conflict
World Issues


Environment and free trade
World Issues


Human Rights

Child Labour

Child Labour - Our Problem
World Issues

Free Trade

FTAA & WTO: The Other Side of the Coin

Delegates and friends - we need your help! If you have experience with any of the things we will be talking about at the Forum, click here to write a brief summary of what you know. This will help all of us learn even before we meet in Quebec City!!