Facts and figures
about children in the Philippines:

The Philippines, its government and its people, hold a common vision for the Filipino children: to be actively participating in community life and nation-building as he/she is able to fully realize and utilize his/her own potentials for development as well as capable of self-expression consistent with the rights of others as he/she is protected from all forms of abuse and exploitation. More importantly, he/she is god-loving and proud of being a Filipino, reared in the context of his/her cultural heritage. Children are regarded as the country's most important asset being the same adults who will carry on into the future the work of building a just and humane society. Thus, the State put premium on providing the Filipino children with education, healthy family life and all other services necessary for their full growth and development.

It might be of interest to know that:

  • Children (aged 0-17) comprise approximately 31.7 million or 47 percent of the total Philippine population of 68 million (31.7 million, 1995).
  • An estimated 2.9 million children are in especially difficult circumstances. This includes children who are:
    • victims of child abuse (maltreatment of a child, habitual or not, which may include)
      • physical abuse (child battering)
      • psychological/emotional abuse
      • sexual abuse
      • sexual exploitation
      • neglect
      • child labor
      • child trafficking
    • victims of armed conflict
    • in conflict with the law (youth offenders/delinquents)
    • victims of natural disasters
    • children of indigenous cultural communities
    • street children
    • children with disabilities
    • drugs/substance abuse