What I learned at Asia Connects...

At the next international youth conference we should: 

1. Get good food, rice, vegetables, a little meat, fish. Let Canadian students try our food. They would not feel sick eventhough it is the first time for them.

2. All delegates should stay in the same place: we will have more time to learn from each others culture, have fun together, speak different languages, discuss what we are doing tomorrow....

3. More time to sleep.

4. Tell us what we should do, and what we shouldn't do: cultural etiquette ( bow in Japan, hug in Canada...).

5. Do you know that some Canadian students don't know where Cambodia is. Do some research before international delegates come. One of the students said Cambodia is a state in the USA!

TG Magazine / The Students Commission
© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des étudiants