Enter Project Information
July - September, 2011
October - December, 2011
January - March, 2012
April - June, 2012
Required Fields *
Name* Please choose your name Bernie Bernhardt Chase Quewezance Cherie O’Brien Jake Ivany Jenna Wade Kayla Reid Keegan Hanson Laura Snow Maggie Quinn Meaghan Arsenault Nicole Nicholas Sara Hasson Shanna Drozd Taina Toussaint Tuqqaasi Nuqingaq Tena Brown ----- Aaron Yanofsky Amanda Pogany Amy Hache Ashley Teo Colleen Barry James Quinlan Jana Angulalik Jonathan Ningark Katie Heine Katie Mattina Katrina Kaija Michelle Barron Natalie Hennesey Zondra Roy
Type of activity* (please describe briefly): (eg. presentation, poster, distributing information, event, social media,...)
Community: Province: Please choose your province British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Québec Ontario New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut Town/City:
Date(s) of project: (start and end date)
Time of project: (eg. 9am - 4pm)
Approximately, how many people were in attendance? (if social media activity, count number of posts)
Who helped you with this activity? (number of people, ages, relationship to you (friend, classmate, family, ...)
What was the age range of the people involved? under 13 13-18 19-25 over 25
Where was the event held? School Community centre Sports club Other If other, please describe:
Please describe how you advertised or promoted the event:
What specific topic did the community project address?
Did you use any materials from Health Canada? yes no
Did you use any materials from the Students Commission? yes no
Did you use other materials? yes no If yes, please describe what materials you used:
Expenses for this event:
Was an evaluation form handed out? yes no
Please describe anything else that we should know about the project:
What would you do differently if you had to do it again?
Click here to send your project information to us.