~Guidelines for Team Discussions~

Steps two and three of the discussion process:

~20 minutes: team works through the first four questions below,
5 minutes per question~

~25 minutes: team uses question 5
to write recommendations and learning activities~

1. What did you hear?

2. What do you understand now that you didn't before?

3. Which of the facts presented are the most important for other youth to know?

4. What are the advantages of being aware of this?

5. How are we going to share what we have learned? Try to set down:

make one recommendation
(click here for a template)
make one learning activity
(click here for a template)


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to go to the forum and post your results...

© 1997 - TG Magazine / The Students Commission
© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des Ètudiants