APEC Trade Ministerial Meeting
May 9-10, 1997, MontrÈal, QuÈbec (Canada)

What the Youth Delegates Had to Say

Julie Salgado, Canadian youth delegate:
"In order to strengthen one's comprehension of the growing influence of APEC, youth should make efforts to understand and respect the differences in language, culture, attitude, environment, values, and interests. They should keep an open-mind, a positive attitude, a willingness to learn and adapt, good listening skills, and ultimately maintain their flexibility. Always strive to improve yourself in every facet of life."

Jason Atkinson, Canadian youth delegate:
"I feel that we as Canadians have to be more outgoing if we are to make significant inroads with partnerships with those states around the Pacific Rim. By this I am thinking of more travel and exchanges to the Asia Pacific and involvement in the affairs of the region. To some, Canada is not viewed as a Asia Pacific state."


Darryl Stratton, Canadian youth delegate:
"The university has a large role to play in educating the youth of Canada of the opportunities which lie within the Asia-Pacific. St. Mary's University, for example, has provided an excellent opportunity for students across the Maritimes to partake in a summer studies program in China."


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© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des Ètudiants