APEC Trade Ministerial Meeting
May 9-10, 1997, MontrÈal, QuÈbec (Canada)

The importance of cross-cultural understanding for trade
(a Newfoundlander's perspective)

"Cultural understanding is crucial when doing business with any international partner. It is very easy to offend someone from a different culture if you haven't done your research first. In Newfoundland there are very few cultures therefore students growing up here have usually not had the to opportunity to participate and view other cultures. I see this as a challenge for young Newfoundlanders in that we are the future for Canada and this understanding will certainly make dealing with the Asia Pacific region easier.

Actually cross-cultural understanding can be a lot of fun, as it is interesting to see how others do things. It is however, important that you do your research prior to departing on a trip to a place with different cultures as one wrong move can ruin your chances."

(Darryl Stratton, Canadian youth delegate, Trade Ministerial Meeting)


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