

Lesson 6: Is Slang a Language?


  • Explore whether slang is a language and how it is perceived by people (teachers/educators) who do not use it.
  • Compare slang to the origins of English.



Defining “Slang”:

Ask the whole group: What is slang?


Slang: a type of language consisting of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people: grass is slang for marijuana.

- http://oxforddictionaries.com/

Videos & Discussion

Video 1: Kardinal Offishal - "BaKardi Slang" (music video)

Handout: Kardinal Offishal - "BaKardi Slang" (lyrics)

Play the music video (2:33 min).

Video 5: Big L - "Ebonics" (music video)

Handout: Big L - "Ebonics" (lyrics)

Play the music video (2:33 min).

Discussion & Debrief: Debrief and discuss the music video with the class.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is slang a language? Why or why not?
  2. Ask group to give examples of various kinds of slang used today.

"Slang-cross" Activity

Write today’s slang words and give English dictionary equivalent. Create a crossword with these words and English dictionary translations.

Question & Answer (Informal Evaluation)

Time for participants to ask questions, give comments and feedback about anything they found interesting from the workshop.


The Students Commission