Grab your shoes, don't worry about directions, and get ready to be your own tour guide to one of Canada's many multicultural communities.
Magic Assembling is a dynamic collection showcasing the multicultural complexity of Metro Toronto, Ontario, Canada, as it represents our global community.
Wind your way through the maps of the Metro region to explore the various ethnocultural communities thriving side by side. Visit storefronts representing the backgrounds, the cultures and the ethnicities of the many diverse people who have chosen to call Canada their home.*
Beyond the storefronts, and behind the images of the people, you can explore the immigration history of how communities came to be and the issues facing a multiculturally complex society.*
* Storefront photos from the original Metropolitan Toronto Archives' exhibit "Magic Assembling: Metropolitan Toronto Storefronts and Street Scenes" can be accessed through the maps on this site. All photos, including extra storefront photos from the Metropolitan Toronto Archives' collection, can be accessed through the Storefront Location Index on this site.
Many of the articles can be accessed from the storefront pages on this site. All articles can be accessed through the Articles Index on this site.
This website was designed by students and youth at TG Magazine, in partnership
with the Metropolitan Toronto Archives,
the Multicultural History Society of Ontario
and the Urban Alliance on Race Relations.
This digital collection was produced under contract to
Industry Canada and appears on the SchoolNet site
as part of the SchoolNet Digital Collections.
Here's how to navigate this site:
Click here to go to the main map. You can find your way to each storefront by following the maps.
Click here for a list of storefront locations.
Click here for a list of cultural groups represented.
Click here for a list of informative articles on multiculturalism.
Click here if you are a teacher for ideas on how to use this site.
Appuyez ici pour un résumé du contenu en français.
All photos © the Metropolitan Toronto Archives.
All articles from "Polyphony" © the Multicultural History Society of Ontario. Users are free to consult these articles for educational purposes but not to reproduce them without permission from the Multicultural History Society of Ontario.
All articles from "Currents" © the Urban Alliance on Race Relations.