Cultural Diversity The Multicultural History Society of Ontario celebrates, preserves and documents Ontario's multi-ethnic heritage and culture. The educational programs and publications, exhibits and celebratory events at the Centre in Toronto (Ontario) enliven the history of the many ethnocultural groups - from First Nations to newcomers - who make Ontario unique.
Reading Room
In the Reading Room, you can examine the priceless store of materials documenting the cultural diversity that is Ontario. You can browse through the unique archival collection of ethnic newspapers and photographs which reflect the richness and variety of Canada's immigration history. You can also listen to oral history recordings from some 70 ethnocultural groups and hear first-hand some of your ancestors and neighbours.
Publications The Society produces two or three publications per year, enhancing more the more than 60 titles already available. An annual newsletter enables members to plan ahead for events. It includes thought-provoking articles related to immigration history, ethnicity and multiculturalism.
Events Special events include the Chairman's annual breakfast, previews in the Heritage Gallery of Canada's Peoples at the Royal Ontario Museum and presentations of music, illustrated lectures and displays sponsored by the Society.
Educational Services Move beyond the boundaries of the traditional social studies curriculum to consider the reality and benefits of our country's multiracial, multilingual heritage and culture. The Society's travelling slide-show presentations and Shared Histories series help students to understand Ontario's role as a preferred target of migration for people from every corner of the globe, and to appreciate Canada's reputation for tolerance of human variety.
Exhibits The Centre puts the story back into history through its changing exhibitions by and abut Canada's diverse cultural communities.
At the Centre's Robert F. Harney Gallery, you can step into the past or view the present through the eyes of another culture. The exhibits draw on archival resources, art and audio-visual material to tell the story.
The Multicultural History Society of Ontario is a centre for the interaction of the peoples who live in Ontario. It is made up of a growing number of supporters and volunteers who are working together to advance and promote the benefits that derive from our diverse cultural heritage.
Supporters and volunteers receive an annual newsletter, advance notice of lectures and symposia, discounts on MHSO publications and special invitations to events and exhibits at the Society's headquarters and in the Heritage Gallery of Canada's Peoples.
How To Reach Us:
On the Web:
43 Queen's Park Crescent East
Toronto, ON, M5S 2C3