Equality and the Charter of Rights
By: Carol Tator
From: Currents Winter 1984/1985 pp. 35-36
© 1984 Urban Alliance on Race Relations
"Held in Toronto, January 31 and February 1&2, a
National Symposium on Equality Rights, sponsored by the Canadian
Human Rights Reporter, brought together 200 scholars and experts
from various fields to assess the implications of Section 15 of
the Canadian Charter of Rights."
April 17th, 1985 will signal the beginning of a new era for
equality rights in Canada, when Section 15 of the Canadian Charter
of Rights and Freedoms comes into effect. The recent symposium
provided an important forum for participants to explore for the
first time, both the substance and impact of the Charter. As well,
the conference provided an opportunity to consider many of the
unresolved issues which emerge out of the Charter and especially
the Equality Rights Section.
Perhaps the most fundamental and profound issue raised by almost
every presenter was the question: What is Equality? Until now, the
concept of equality which has shaped much of our thinking and
public policy, has been based on the assumption that equality
means treating equals the same, i.e. non-discrimination. Our laws
have developed out of the commonly-held view that equality is a
neutral action which produces the same results for everyone.
However, the Charter offers the possibility of an interpretation
of equality which is far more open and flexible.
Judge Rosalie Abella as the Symposium's opening speaker gave a
passionate and eloquent analysis of the meaning of equality. Her
presentation will surely echo in the hearts and minds of all those
who were privileged to hear her that evening. I quote from her
words: "Equality is a process of constant and flexible examination
of vigilant introspection, and of aggressive open mindedness . . .
The goal of equality is more than an evolutionary intolerance to
adverse discrimination. It is to ensure that the vestiges of
arbitrary restrictive assumptions do not continue to play a role
in our society. Equality is not a concept that produces the
same results for everyone. It is a concept that seeks to identify
and remove, barrier by barrier, discriminatory disadvantage."
Systemic Discrimination
Another related and very significant issue raised by the
presenters at the conference was the question of remedies within
the Charter which address the problem of systemic discrimination.
Section 15.2 specifically refers to the rights of the courts to
order "any law, program or activity that has as its object the
amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups
. . ." However, while the courts have the authority to order
Affirmative Action programmes, presenters emphasized that they
will have neither the resources nor the mandate to guide their
Thus emerges another challenge posed by the Charter which is to
create a new partnership between the judicial and political arms
of government To achieve real equality will require a new and
vigorous collaboration between those who form the laws of the land
(the legislators) and those who are given the authority to enforce
those laws (the judiciary).
The "Equality-Seeker"
Finally, where are the equality seekers in the delicate balance
which is required in order to ensure equality rights? What
responsibility rests with the victims of discrimination and their
advocates? The answer to these questions is neither simple nor
reassuring. In the view of the speakers at the symposium it is
unrealistic to assume that from now on, the courts, judges and
lawmakers will automatically undertake to remove all the arbitrary
barriers which presently exist and prevent women, minorities and
other groups from fully participating in society. Each presenter
stressed the importance of viewing the Charter as only one
critical component in a complex process which still requires the
full participation of equality seekers. In other words, the
Charter provides us with a motivating principle but it does not
negate the importance of further research, of advocacy, education
lobbying and monitoring. A clear message communicated by the
speakers was that those of us who are committed to the creation of
a more equitable and just society must continue to define the
problems and engage in the solutions.
Perhaps the most encouraging aspect of this symposium was the
number and diversity of people who participated, including members
of the legal and judicial systems, senior bureaucrats responsible
for equal opportunity programmes, as well as corporate executives
in both the private and public sectors. While some were
struggling, a few for the first time, with issues such as systemic
discrimination and affirmative action, it will certainly not be
the last. Together the speakers and the participants represent a
new and powerful group of people who are concerned about the
achievement of equality rights.
The Charter as a Panacea
Inevitably this Symposium did not provide all the answers. There
were many unresolved questions. Potential conflicts and
limitations within the Charter were identified by a number of
speakers. The question of jurisdiction was raised. While the
Charter clearly applies to both federal and provincial
governments, it is unclear whether its authority extends to
municipal levels of government, crown corporations, universities,
etc. Does it apply to the private sector? Another very significant
problem is the high cost of using the courts. A third concern is
the overlap and potential conflict of mandates between
administrative procedures available through Human Rights
Commissions and those provided by the Charter. Still another
problem falls within the realm of attitudes. There has been a
long-standing reluctance on the part of judges to become involved
in political matters. Although the politicians have the initial
responsibility at creating public policies, it is the courts which
must ensure that policy options which secure rights are pursued.
There is some question about whether judges will be comfortable
with this proactive role. Furthermore, there is little doubt that
the judges in this country are an elite group which reflects more
the Establishment rather than equality seekers. Will this affect
the judges' ability to understand and interpret creatively the
principles which underlie the Charter?
Given the above concerns, the Charter does not appear to offer a
panacea for all the historic inequalities experienced by
minorities in this country. However, it expresses a societal ideal
and it provides a signal to the public and its authorities that
equality is now a right which is guaranteed to all Canadians. In
the final analysis, it appears up to all of us, i.e., legislators,
judges, lawyers, public servants, human rights practi- tioners,
communities and groups to help translate the vision of the
drafters of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms into
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