
General Research Questions

  1. What does our context look like? How do we describe it?
  2. What do youth-adult partnerships look like in our context?
  3. What are the outcomes of youth-adult partnerships in our context? (How can we evaluate our youth-adult partnerships and context?)
  4. How can we (continue to) build stronger youth-adult partnerships in our context?
  5. What are the characteristics of youth-adult partnerships in our context (and in this research process)?

Questions to compare across teams:

  1. What are the similarities and differences between type of context (e.g. type or content of organization/program), types of youth-adult relationships and types of outcomes?
  2. Which outcomes are related to which types of youth-adult partnerships and contexts?

These tables outline some of the emerging research questions of this project.

Youth-Adult Partnership Question Matrix (Layer 3)
Layer 3: Youth/Adult Program Relationships Partners Goals Relationship Quality Relationship Structure Outcomes Context

Relationships that teams are exploring in their organization

Who are they? How were they recruited?

How do partners (youth/adults) enter/leave the relationsh

Are you doing anything special to keep them involved?

What goals do individuals and the organization have for the program relationships?

How were they set?

Who is responsible for monitoring progress toward the goal?

Are the goals being met?

Is the relationship good, from the perspective of each participant?

What is the quality of communication, mutual respect, enjoyment, etc.?

How are conflicts resolved?

What is going well and what needs improvement?

How do we describe the youthadult relationship?

What are the roles of each participant in the relationship?

What are the outcomes of these relationships (individual, social, organization, community)?

What does our context look like? How do we describe it?

At what level of the organization do youth-adult relationships occur?

What are the systemic, organizational, or contextual factors that influence the relationship?

Youth-Adult Partnership Question Matrix (Layer 2)
Layer 2: Each Project Research Team Partners Goals Relationship Quality Relationship Structure Outcomes Context

Project teams (co-researcher relationships):

(10 teams and Nish's notes)

What are the processes you are using that are similar or different from other typical employer-employee/ student-supervisor situations (e.g. decision-making processes, hiring processes, etc)?

What did your hiring process look like? Who was involved? Who did you hire and why? What are the things that you considered?

What goals do individuals and the organization have for the team relationships/ partnership?

How were they set?

Who is responsible for monitoring progress toward the goal?

Are the goals being met?

What are the characteristics of participants?

How is professionalism defined in these relationships?

What changes in an employer-employee relationship or a student-supervisor relationship when you introduce a youth-adult partnership approach (both youth and adult perspectives)?

How does the relationship change based on the role, task, situation, program/service, decision?

What are the roles of each participant in the relationship?

What are the outcomes of these relationships (individual, social, organization, community)?

What does our context look like? How do we describe it?

What are the systemic, organizational, or contextual factors that influence the relationship?

Youth-Adult Partnership Question Matrix (Layer 1)
Layer 1: YAP Project Partners Goals Relationship Quality Relationship Structure Outcomes Context

Overall: Relationships across/among all ten teams

(Nish notes to document)

Who are they? How were they recruited?

How do partners enter/leave the relationship?

Are you doing anything special to keep them involved?

What goals do individuals and organizations have for the partnership?

How were they set?

Who is responsible for monitoring progress toward the goal?

Are the goals being met?

Is the relationship good, from the perspective of each participant?

What is the quality of communication, mutual respect, enjoyment, etc.?

How are conflicts resolved?

What is going well and what needs improvement?

What is the structure of the relationship?

What are the roles of each participant?

How can the relationship be characterized in terms of the relation between youth and adults (e.g. Hart's ladder, Wong's typology)?

How are decisions made?

Who are the leaders?

How frequently to partners interact and in what ways (e.g. in person, internet, teleconference, etc.)?

What are the outcomes of these relationships (individual, social, organization, community)?

Which outcomes are related to which types of youthadult relationships and contexts?

What does our context look like? How do we describe it?

These research goals are outlined in the figure below:

Which outcomes are related to which types of youth-adult partnerships and contexts

Reflect on and explore which outcomes are related to which types of
youth-adult partnerships and contexts.


The Students Commission