
YDM Toronto will be working on various initiatives:

NicoTeen: Funded by Toronto Public Health

This project will involve the Young Decision Makers discussing facts around tobacco and deciding what resonates with them. Youth will then take this information and develop posters, ciphers, or video creations to inform other youth about the risks and facts associated with tobacco consumption and alternative stress management coping mechanisms.

Relationship ARC: Funded by Canadian Women's Association

Young Decision Makers will be working with the Canadian Woman’s Foundations to create new and interesting ways to present evidence-based resources on healthy relationships and violence prevention in order to share key messages and practical tips with youth across Canada. We will create resources such as Vines, YouTube videos, skits and/or murals that will reach other youth, and organizations that serve them, to help improve the quality of their present and future relationships, reducing their likelihood of experiencing relationship violence.

Children Lead the Way: Funded by Save the Children

Representatives from YDM Toronto will attend an international conference here in Toronto. This conference will host children from across the world, and will talk about issues children face in their countries and actions they have created to help solve these issues.

For more information on the Children Lead the Way project,
visit the Young Decision Makers Conference Website.

Canadian Public Health Officer: Funded by Canadian Public Health Officer

YDM will be working with the Canadian Public Health Officer to engage young Canadians to reflect on what they want to know about alcohol and other drugs, and where they want to access their information. Young people will be responsible for engaging Canadians in promoting awareness. This is a chance to work directly with policy makers to create an informative program that youth can understand, relate with, and appreciate.

Young Decision Makers National Conference: Funded by Young Decision Makers National Conference

YDM will be helping to plan and excute the Young Decision Makers Conference. This conference will take place in March 2016. It is an opportunity to apply the YDM model, discuss, learn from, and create change, and work with 150 young people from across Canada. The young people involved in the youth group will be directly involved in helping to plan the conference, including content, discussion pieces and materials.

For more information on the conference and information on how to sign up,
visit the Young Decision Makers Conference Website.


The Students Commission