MODULE 3 - What is Violence?
(Duration: 25 minutes)
- To explore group participant's perception of violence.
- To define violence from the group's perspective.
- Video on violence (1:52 minutes)
- Quote cards
- Flipchart
- Markers
Activity (Duration: 25 minutes)
- Watch the video on violence.
- If group is larger than 20, divide into smaller groups.
- Give everyone in the group a quote card.
- Ask the group to pick a statement(s) from the given list and write down the statement(s) on their card, asking them to finish the statement(s):
- Violence is when...
- When violence happens to me, I feel...
- Violence in young women's lives in our communities happens when...
- We can start to change violence in young women's lives in our communities by...
- Let the group know that we will be sharing their answers later.
- Ask everyone to crumple their quote cards into balls and throw them in the middle of the circle. If they aren't comfortable with their answers being shared, they don't have to throw them.
- Ask each person to choose two of the crinkled sheets.
- Each person will take turns reading a quote. Quotes will be posted on the wall and categorized under the four questions.